
Dr. Anna Kennedy OBE Discusses Pride and LGBTQIA+ Support

Here at 2Shades, we are thrilled to have Dr. Anna Kennedy OBE join us with her own column to raise awareness about her Autism charity organisation.
This month, she talks about Pride and what the LGBTQIA+ community means to her.
Dr. Anna Kennedy OBE. Picture credit: knightvisionphotographyuk

Anna’s a disability/ neurodiversity campaigner who has worked to provide improved education and other services and support for children and adults described as being on the autism spectrum as well as other neurodiverse conditions.

In pursuing these activities she has (among other things) helped establish two schools, a college, a respite home and a website with over 100,000 international followers.

Kennedy was given an OBE (Royal Reward for Inspirational Mother) Award by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace in 2012 for her services. And in her rare spare time, she loves to dance. 

We asked her a few questions about Pride and her everlasting support towards the community. 

What does Pride mean to you?

June is Pride Month and this gives charities like mine, AnnaKennedyonline supporting autistic children and adults the opportunity to shoutout and thank those in the LGBTQ+ community who work tirelessly to champion equality and respect for all within the work place and within their community.

I am huge fan of Pride month and to be honest we need to have Pride all year and be vocal about being who we are.

You seem to have a huge gay following, have the LGBTQIA+ community always been in your life?

The LBGTQ+ community have been in my life since I started the school and college for my sons in 1999, where many of the staff were from the community.

Really it is how it should be, we are all human and we should not even raise an eyebrow and see someone as different because of who they love.

Autism’s Got talent is a big part of the year how is diverse is it?

I’m hoping that Autism’s Got Talent caters for all our performers and their families. We are in our 13th year, and we are open to be inclusive as much as we possibly can.

Many of the LGBTQ community who come to see the show see it as being as big as New Years or dare I say, Eurovision.

Autism’s Got Talent Show 2023

You’re jumping out of a plane to raise awareness and funds for Anna Kennedy online, please, are you insane? Tell us all? 

I have always been afraid of heights and when Aston Avery, Lisa Robins and Steven Smith said they were going to jump out a plane to raise much needed funds for our charity, I was so grateful. 

But I told them I will be firmly on the ground waving a flag. 

Then someone (I won’t name. ) pointed out that one of my strengths was getting others to challenge themselves. It was a case of practice what I preached. 

Plus, another tick for my bucket list! (Hopefully not the last one) 

What would you say to a parent that struggles to accept their child because of their sexuality? 

Accept, support and love them for who they are love is more important that judging. 

The Autism Hero Awards are not until next year, why have you skipped a year?

We have finally booked a hotel for March 2025 in Regents Park. We are concentrating on fundraising for our charity this year since so many charities are closing due to lack of funds. 

Venues also have raised their prices due to cost increases and it has been difficult to locate a venue to suit our limited budget. Autism Hero Awards is such a lovely and inspiring event celebrating those who go the extra mile for the autism community. Closing date for entries is the end of August 2024.

Autism’s Hero Awards 2023

All of the queens would love to go to the palace, and you did. What was it like?

I have been to the Palace a few times now, the most memorable was receiving my OBE in 2012 from Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II.

Recently I was invited to The King’s Garden Party. It rained and I had a big Pride umbrella with all the colours of the rainbow, it was well needed.

If you had a drag queen name, what would it be?

It’s got to be ‘Lady De Dancing Queen’. I am sure I was a drag queen in my previous life.

My charity patron Steven Smith says I am camp anyway.

Dr.Anna Kennedy and Steven Smith at the Autism’s Got Talent show 2023

What is your favourite song?

Whitney Houston’s I’m Every Woman. I want it played at my funeral and for everyone to dance!

If you could dance at any Pride in the world, where would it be?

New York or Rio look fun! I would love to be on float at Pride. 

Thank you for your time Dr. Anna Kennedy, 2Shades are thrilled to you on board!

Stay tuned to Anna’s column for more information on Autism awareness and the initiatives she takes to cater to the neurodivegent community.   

To raise funds for her charity, tap here.